Monday, 7 November 2016

Wayne Gretzky

Wayne Gretzky; of course he was the greatest player in our favorite past time. Why did he finish #10 on the CBC list when Don Cherry finished number 7? Cherry is seen as very pro-Canadian, while many still see Gretzky as a sell-out for playing in LA, STL, and then NY. But he did not option out, or sign as a free agent. Pocklington traded him to LA because frankly he didn't have the money. Gretzky was heartbroken but still saw an opportunity to expand the scope and prestige of our great game by taking it to LA. He succeeded somewhat, but his work was destroyed to a large degree by the dealings of Bruce McNall who would later go to jail. When the Canadian Football League most needed a boost, who was there? Gretzky, along with McNall, and John Candy bought the flagship franchise Toronto, and put some glamour, some money, and some players, like Rocket Ismail into the CFL. Gretzky also played a huge part as the architect of both our Gold Medal win at the Olympics in Salt Lake, as well as our recent World Cup win. When Canada needed him most he made an incredible speech during the Olympics that took the pressure off the players, the controversy onto himself, and led to the team turning it around to victory. Walter Gretzky raised a perfect gentleman, and the Greatest Canadian ever.

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