Born in August 19 1924, Willard Sterling Boyle was a famous Canadian physicist, focused in laser technology. IN 1969, he and George E. Smith invented the charged-coupled device, which is now used in many creations today. In 2009, Boyle received a Nobel Prize in Physics for his tremendous work.
Julie Payette is a famous Canadian astronaut. She was born on October 23rd 1963 and became one of the first Canadian female Canadians to board the International Space Station. She has been a part of 2 spaceflights to the ISS and represented the Canadian Space Agency as chief astronaut for seven years.
Joseph-Armand Bombardier was a famous Canadian inventor and businessman born on April 16th 1907. He is known for inventing the first ever snowmobile and ski-doo. Being a self taught man, Bombardier has benefited Canada tremendously with his innovative invention
Keanu Charles Reeves is a famous Canadian actor. He was born on September 2nd 1964, and is best known for his work in the hit film The Matrix. With his long and successful career in performing arts, Reeves has also grown to be a famous producer and musician.
A champion for women in sports throughout her life, Rosenfeld won a gold and silver medal in track and field at the 1928 Games in Amsterdam, the first time women could compete in such events at the Olympics. She later became a sports writer for The Globe and Mail, often using her column, “Sports Reel,” which ran for 20 years, to encourage and defend the place of women’s sports in society.
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau is the wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. She was a Canadian television host and is involved in charity work and public speaking, mainly focusing on speaking about women's issues. She is recognized across Canada as an activist, volunteer and speaker on various topics such as self esteem, eating disorders and more
Justin Trudeau is a Canadian politician. He is the 23d and current Prime Minister of Canada and the leader of the Liberal party.Justin Trudeau is the son of former Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau. He won the Leadership of liberal party in April 2013 and went on to lead his party to victory in the 2015 Federal election.